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REALbasic 3.2.1 PPC Demo
REALbasicÆ 3.2.1 PPC
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REALbasic 3.2 Release Notes
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450 lines
[Opt] = Optimization
[Bug] = Bug Fix
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but major problems still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = Work around
[WrB] = Work around broken as a result of bug fix.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown. Usually a consequence of
some other fix.
[FYI] = Please note.
[Tip] = Here's a handy piece of information.
(All) = All
(Mac) = Mac OS compiled applications, and possibly the IDE.
(68K) = 68K compiled applications, and possibly the IDE running on a 68K
(Win) = One of the flavors of Microsoft Windows (NT, 9x, 2000, Me)
(IDE) = REALbasic, the application
(OSX) = Mac OS X DP4 or later
(Car) = Carbon version of the Mac OS or IDE (CarbonLib 1.2.5, Mac OS 8.6
and higher, and Mac OS X 10.0 or later)
[BUG] (Win) REALbasic 3.2 had a problem that could affect win32 builds.
The problem occurred when using certain internal controls in
conjunction with external plug-ins or win32 declares. The problem
only occurred on certain versions of the Windows OS.
3.2 Final
[Chg] (IDE) Registration: message more informative when registration
fails in cases where a previous serial number is required.
[Bug] (68k) Plug-ins: Fixed a problem that would cause inconsistent
results when using plug-ins and 68k. This could affect applications using
certain RB controls. Also marks the return of 68k and Fat IDE.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Browser: expanding events of a control no longer causes
a failed assertion in the German version of REALbasic.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: double-byte character systems (e.g. Japanese)
no longer allow user to click on "middle" of a character on OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: flicker eliminated when typing the first
character after moving the cursor, or whenever pressing the Delete
[Bug] (IDE) Database: Schema Editor -- Create/Modify/Delete/Options
buttons now adjust to fit captions.
[Bug] (IDE) Project Window: Dragging a folder onto itself no longer
makes it disappear, but behaves as it did in previous versions of
[Bug] (IDE) Project Window: Dragging an open folder no longer leaves
copies of the items it contains in their original locations (in
the Project Window).
[Bug] (OSX) Listbox: Editing listbox cells no longer causes their
contents to disappear on Mac OS X.
[Bug] (OSX) Listbox: page-up and page-down no longer crash when no
vertical scrollbar is present.
[Bug] (OSX) String Drawing: double-byte characters wrap correctly in
msgbox, staticText, drawString, and more.
[Bug] (Win) RadioButton: clicking on a radiobutton no longer triggers
another radiobutton's action event. Also, activating a Window no
longer triggers a radiobutton's action event.
[New] (All) ListBox: ScrollBars are much smarter about how they adjust
when the listbox content changes. The content no longer scrolls
down automatically when rows are deleted or hidden, unless enough
rows are hidden or deleted so that the ListBox content would
otherwise be blank. This is especially useful when implementing a
hierarchical ListBox, since a row won't jump out from underneath a
user's mouse after collapsing an item near the bottom of the list.
[New] (IDE) CFM Plugin Editor: smooth anti-aliased text used on Mac OS X
via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) Control Order Dialog: smooth anti-aliased text used on
Mac OS X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) FileTypes Window: smooth anti-aliased text used on
Mac OS X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) New Binding Dialog: smooth anti-aliased text used on Mac OS
X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) Online Reference: Browse -- smooth anti-aliased text used on
Mac OS X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) TabPanel Editor: smooth anti-aliased text used on
Mac OS X via new listbox.
[Chg] (IDE) "Save Changes" dialog: adjusts as needed to fit the buttons
(important for localized versions of REALbasic).
[Chg] (IDE) Database: Table Schema Editor and Field Options dialogs --
larger to better fit localized captions.
[Chg] (IDE) Menu Editor: font and size adjusted for better legibility in
Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) "Edit Tabs" Dialog: buttons rearranged to fix cosmetic
problems in Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) About REALbasic: font and size adjusted for better
legibility in Mac OS X and Mac OS 9.
[Bug] (IDE) Build Dialog: font and size adjusted for better legibility
in Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Code Browser -- alphabetizing of items on
different levels of the ListBox hierarchy corrected. This resulted
in weird problems where you could get 'Canvas2' placed right
before 'Canvas1' 's 'Paint' event.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: pasting or dragging text into the Code Editor now
updates properly.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: insertion point and selection regions no longer
out of synch with the actual text as drawn on the screen.
[Bug] (IDE) Control Order Dialog: button spacing adjusted per Aqua
[Bug] (IDE) Database table schema window: the "Drop Table" button is now
properly aligned to the right edge of the window when the window
is resized.
[Bug] (IDE) Database: Table Schema Editor -- type of each field and whether
it is nullable shows (again).
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: Clean-up -- leaked objects (which errant RB
programs may have left behind) releasing improved; it's now able
to clean up leaked controls, for example. This clean-up happens at
the start of each run, or when closing the project.
[Bug] (IDE) Find Dialog: font and size adjusted for better legibility in
Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) Language Reference: font and size adjusted for better
legibility in Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) Project Window: control clicking in the blank area of the
window no longer causes a crash.
[Bug] (IDE) Properties Window & Variables Window: font and size adjusted
for better legibility in Mac OS X.
[Bug] (IDE) Properties Window & Variables Window: resizing the window no
longer causes buttons to overlap other controls.
[Bug] (Mac) ListBox: DragItem in DragRow now has an appropriate drag
rectangle. This fixed a problem of where classes were placed
offscreen when dragging them from the Project Window to the Window
[Bug] (OSX) Compiler: fixed an unexpected quit that could occur under OS
X while compiling.
[Bug] (OSX) String Wrapping: long strings in a multi-line StaticText, or
drawn with the WrapWidth parameter of Graphics.DrawString, now
stay within their proper width under Mac OS X.
[Bug] (Win) Database -- 4D plugin: no longer crashes when inserting a
new record.
[Bug] (Win) Destructors: class destructors now called when quitting your
[New] (IDE) AERecord: smooth anti-aliased text used on Mac OS X via new
[New] (IDE) Capture Event: smooth anti-aliased text used on Mac OS X via
new listbox.
[New] (IDE) Database: Edit Schema Window -- smooth anti-aliased text
used on Mac OS X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) Database: New Table Window -- smooth anti-aliased text used
on Mac OS X via new listbox.
[New] (IDE) Debugger: Stack Window -- smooth anti-aliased text used on
Mac OS X via new listbox.
[Opt] (OSX) Code Editor: commenting large blocks of code is now much
faster (was painfully slow on large blocks of text in earlier
versions of 3.2).
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: Stack Window -- Close Box, Grow Icon, and Zoom Box
re-enabled in this window. They were turned off in the 3.0 alphas.
[Bug] (IDE) Project Window: Dragging to hilite a folder item, and then
subsequently leaving the project window's listbox while still
dragging, no longer causes a spurious item hilight, as it did in
[Bug] (OSX) Floating Windows: hang on startup under OS X, if opening two
or more floating windows. Affected both the IDE and built
REALbasic applications.
[Bug] (OSX) ListBox: Scrollbars for OS X moved one pixel to the right
(one pixel down for horizontal Scrollbars). The default scrollbar
size on OSX is 1 pixel thinner; we were leaving 1 pixel of ListBox
content to the right (or the bottom) of the ListBox.
[Bug] (Win) MDI Child Windows: minimize/maximize (i.e. zoom icons) boxes
no longer on by default.
[New] (IDE) Project Window: Project Window is using our newer Listbox
technology and now will take advantage of smooth anti-aliased text
on Mac OS X.
[Chg] (OSX) Code Editor: Method Browser -- standard system font at a
larger font size used for improved legibility.
[Chg] (Win) LittleArrows: delay slightly increased between the first
up/down event firing, and the next, for people with lazy hands.
[Bug] (All) Database: REAL database -- comparison operator '>=' is no
longer treated as a '<=' operation when comparing strings.
[Bug] (All) Graphics.DrawString: WrapWidth (final parameter) once again
causes the string to wrap, instead of just stopping after the
first line.
[Bug] (Car) Progress Bars: assertion failure (threed.cpp:43) no longer
occurs in Carbon built applications.
[Bug] (Car) Windows: Floating Windows -- float above document windows
under Carbon.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- items appear in alphabetical
order (except for events, which are in a predefined order).
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- option-clicking an item in
the browser while a property is selected no longer crashes
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: unselected parts of a line containing a
selection no longer appear invisible when first switching to a
method or event handler.
[Bug] (IDE) Database -- schema editor: error message is now reported if
the database does not support dropping tables.
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- arrays that are larger than 16
elements in size are viewable again. Broken since 3.2b2.
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- Boolean Arrays viewable again.
Broken since 3.2b1.
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- Double Arrays viewable again.
Broken since 3.2b1.
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- Resizing the ArrayViewer window no
longer causes the scrollbar to loose sync with the contents of the
[Bug] (Mac) BalloonHelp and HelpTag: wrong help tag or balloon help text
no longer displayed, or to not be displayed at all. Affects
windows both in the IDE and in built Mac applications; does not
affect menu balloon help.
[Bug] (Mac) Listbox: background pattern of other controls (e.g. the
Canvas) no longer disrupted by the listbox.
[Bug] (Mac) Listbox: resizing such that the scrollbar value changes
draws the list display correctly.
[Bug] (OSX) Double-Byte Character Systems: strings in Japanese and other
DBCS now drawn properly.
[Bug] (OSX) Graphics.DrawString: text draws correctly (formerly
sometimes appeared invisible until the window was inactivated,
unless some other drawing was done in the same area of the
[Bug] (Win) MouseDrag event: fires immediately, instead of waiting
20 msec before.
[Tip] (Mac) Extra Resources: PICT resources 132 and 133 can be safely
removed from your PPC built applications *if* you are certain that
it will never be run on Macs which lack the Appearance Manager.
[Imp] (OSX) Code Editor: flicker when typing into a method for the first
time reduced.
[Imp] (OSX) Code Editor: Method Browser -- background of area around
method browser now white instead of grey on Mac OS X.
[Chg] (All) Database: OpenBase plug-in -- _timestamp and _version fields
are now hidden from the fieldschema because they are not eligible
for changing. They can still be queried against.
[Bug] (All) Database: REALbasic database -- ErrorCode property is now
initialized to 0, instead of some random number.
[Bug] (All) Database: REALbasic database.ErrorMessage -- when inserting
a new record, if the column name is unknown, REALbasic will now
report the name of the invalid column, instead of just reporting
"Unknown column".
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- adding to a new method or
removing from an existing method no longer causes confusion in the
method browser.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- Function Names in the browser
pane grow and shrink, when the splitter is moved. In 3.2b1 they
were constrained to the original size of the pane.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- Items names now appear in
bold when appropriate. In 3.2b1 they weren't behaving correctly
when expanding a list of previously hidden Code Browser items.
[Bug] (IDE) Code Editor: Method Browser -- Items once again appear in
alphabetical order (except for events, which are in a predefined
[Bug] (OSX) Font Rendering: strings now properly clip to their bounds --
e.g., a StaticText will not write out of its area, nor will a
DrawString in a Canvas graphics exceed the Canvas bounds. This
also fixes some other cosmetic bugs seen here and there in the
[Bug] (OSX) Listbox: scrolling a listbox under Aqua no longer causes the
contents to become "overdrawn" (appear too dark and pixelated).
[Bug] (OSX) Multi-Line EditField: selected text appearance has been
greatly improved, with none of the unsightly trim around each
letter seen in 3.2b1.
[Bug] (Win) Control.RefreshRect: controls now immediately update the
specified rectange when calling RefreshRect.
[Bug] (Win) Database: REALbasic database -- reading blobs (or long
varbinary) works better.
[Kis] (Win) Database: REALbasic database -- BLOBs do not work. Writing
them can corrupt the database.
[New] (IDE) Code Editor: Code Browser pane of the Code Editor is using
our newer Listbox technology and now will take advantage of smooth
anti-aliased text on Mac OS X.
[New] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- Arrays of Objects Popup menu and
title are now complete the first time you open them and REALbasic
doesn't have to have an instance object created and inserted
before it fills these values in.
[New] (OSX) Font Rendering: text in OS X is now drawn with CoreGraphics
font rendering almost everywhere. Remaining exceptions include
single-line EditFields, and a few listboxes in the IDE.
[Opt] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- Medium (1,000) to very large arrays
(30,000+) are now faster to update and scroll.
[Opt] (Mac) Graphics.DrawPicture: speed and memory efficiency improved.
Avoids unnecessary caching in the case of drawing a picture
created with the NewPicture method.
[Chg] (Car) Carbon Resources: applications built for Carbon no longer
contain 'PICT' resources 132 and 133 (used to fake Appearance
controls on non-Appearance machines), nor 'carb' 0 (which is no
longer needed).
[Chg] (Car) Carbon Resources: applications built for Carbon now include
a 128 pixel icon in the resource fork as 'icns' #128. You may
override this by providing your own 'icns' #128 in any resource
file in the project.
[Bug] (All) Database: Openbase plug-in -- closing the cursor no longer
causes possible memory corruption problems. This could have
resulted in your program crashing.
[Bug] (All) Database: Openbase plug-in -- reading/writing blob data
problem fixed.
[Bug] (All) Database: REAL database and 4D plug-in -- SQL UPDATE command
called through SQLExecute is more stable now. It no longer
releases memory it shouldn't be touching in the first place.
[Bug] (All) PopupMenu: adding items no longer leaks memory.
[Bug] (All) Window.FullScreen: resizing a window to full screen mode no
longer leaks memory.
[Bug] (IDE) CodeEditor: AutoComplete -- scrollbar length of the
autocomplete popup list is now as long as the popup window itself.
In 3.1 it was sometimes 11 pixels short of that length.
[Bug] (IDE) Compiling: Run or Make no longer proceeds very slowly (in
some circumstances) except when the mouse was moving.
[Bug] (IDE) Debugger: ArrayViewer -- large arrays (over 5000 elements)
no longer cause array indexes to draw over each other. REALbasic
can now easily display arrays much larger than this.
[Bug] (IDE) Properties Window, Variables Window, Window Editor: Now much
faster when dealing with medium (1,000) to very large strings
[Bug] (IDE) Properties Window, Variables Window, Window Editor: Strings
which have 5000 or more lines will no longer overwrite the viewing
area of the window or control with screen trash.
[Bug] (OSX) Listbox: Hierarchical listboxes now hilight better on
Mac OS X.
[Bug] (OSX) Listbox: hierarchical listboxes now use a white background
as the Mac OS X finder does.
[Bug] (Win) ClearFocus: now works.
[Bug] (Win) Control.Refresh: controls now properly update when calling
[Bug] (Win) FolderItem: SelectFolder -- dialog is now modal.
[Bug] (Win) MDI Child Windows: setting the width and height of an MDI
child window in code no longer moves it.
[Bug] (Win) OpenPrinter: width and height properties are more accurately
reported when returning a graphics object.
[KIS] (OSX) Code Editor: Code Browser Pane flickers on refresh
[KIS] (OSX) listbox: occasionally draws beneath it's bounds.
[KIS] (OSX) listbox: scrolling overdraws items thereby appearing bold